About Lingua Centrum

We have been at the forefront of language teaching since 1990.
And this is especially because:
We do not promise any miracles – we use traditional, linguistically proven methods of teaching.
More than 75% of students come to us on personal recommendation.
Our prices are fair.

Our quality has been confirmed
by Czech and international institutions

Organizational structure

Mgr. Simona Škurková
I manage such a big team throughout the Czech Republic thanks to our on-line portal.

Mgr. et Bc. Zuzana Mičková
I choose the teachers with the utmost care, and this is also why we have a stable team.

Mgr. Lada Homolová
The preparation of audits is sometimes really demanding, but we always manage to optimize teaching costs together with our clients.

Mgr. Petr Slíva
Even a quality teacher will appreciate a solid personal development plan under the supervision of an experienced mentor.

Hana Látalová
I fulfil all requirements quickly and precisely. And with a smile.

Austin Hudson
I am really happy when my students succeed in the Cambridge exams.
Our history
The Word of the Founder
The beginnings of Lingua Centrum were exciting, idealistic, unpredictable and unrepeatable. In 1990, no one knew what “doing business” was about, and I, as a recent graduate of the Department of English and American Studies at the Olomouc Palacky University, did not know it either. I only intuitively sensed that in order for a company to survive on the market in the long run, its existence must be beneficial not only for the clients, but also for its employees and owners. We have been following this idea up to now. In building a successful language school, you must also be lucky and choose the best co-workers and make the right decisions at key moments.
Our biggest advantage is that we have always had a linguist in charge of the school. It is not that usual. I like to compare it to a situation that has long been valid in the automotive industry. For many years, German car companies were managed by technicians, while American car companies were managed by businessmen. We probably agree that the German cars surpassed the American ones. We are the best because we are primarily linguists, not businessmen or investors.
Mgr. Pavel Pospíšil