Classroom rental

Use the Lingua Centrum facilities
Our language school offers fully equipped classrooms for rent in many cities in the Czech Republic. You can use the classrooms for a business meeting, a one-day seminar, or long-term training. Our branches are located in logistically convenient locations, in the city centre or in the immediate vicinity, accessible on foot, by car and by public transport.
Classrooms and adjacent common areas are equipped in a modern style, incl. whiteboards, Wi-Fi, audio equipment and facilities for clients. Upon agreement, it is possible to provide a data projector with a projection screen. The capacity of each room varies, from a small space for 2 people to a seminar room for 20 people.
How to rent a classroom
If you are interested, please contact us by phone or email and we will book a room according to your requirements. The price for occasional rental is CZK 250/hour (excl. VAT). In the case of regular, long-term rental, clients are provided with a discount.
Where to find us? Olomouc, Praha, Ostrava, Brno, Jihlava, Prostějov, Přerov, Zlín, Teplice, České Budějovice, Český Krumlov, Liberec, Šumperk.
Approximate classroom capacity: Olomouc max. 20 people, Praha max. 12 people, Ostrava max. 15 people, Brno max. 18 people, Jihlava max. 15 people, Prostějov max. 18 people, Přerov max. 15 people, Zlín max. 30 people, Teplice max. 18 people, České Budějovice max. 18 people, Český Krumlov max. 12 people, Liberec max. 18 people, Šumperk max. 12 people.

Overview of our branch offices
If you are interested in renting classrooms, please contact the contacts of the specific branch. Thank you.
Branches of Lingua Centrum
Olomouc - Head office and classrooms
U Stadionu 10
779 00 Olomouc
Branch Manager:
Mgr. Tomáš Škurek
Learning coordinators:
Bc. Eva Žampachová
(Mobile: +420 739 457 220)
Monika Kohoutová
(Mobile: +420 608 831 134)
Account number: 200417038/0600
Helen Doron centrum (Olomouc CITY)
Pondělí: 10:00 - 17:00
Other days by appointment
Mobile: +420 734 470 993 - HD children's courses only
Brno - office and classrooms
Husova 7 (1. patro)
602 00 Brno
Learning coordinator:
Tereza Hudečková
Mobile: +420 736 628 977
Bára Zetková
Mobile: +420 735 753 431
Account number: 200417038/0600
České Budějovice - office and classrooms
Hroznová 62/7 (2. patro)
370 01 České Budějovice
Mobile: +420 777 911 113
Learning coordinators:
Bc. Leona Martínková
Account number: 200147038/0600
Český Krumlov - classrooms
Budějovická 121, (1. patro)
381 01 Český Krumlov - Domoradice
Mobile: +420 732 487 984
Learning coordinator:
Bc. Leona Martínková
Account number: 200417038/0600
Jihlava - office and classrooms
Romana Havelky 4860/4 (2. patro)
586 01 Jihlava
Mobile: +420 731 576 379
Branch Manager:
Dana Petrovská
Account number: 200417038/0600
Liberec - office and classrooms
Branch Manager:
Bc. Klára Svatošová
Account number: 200417038/0600
Praha - office and classrooms
Shiran Tower, Lužná 716/2 (7. patro)
160 00 Praha 6 – Vokovice
Branch Manager:
Mgr. Lada Homolová
Mobile: +420 724 360 352
Learning coordinator:
Šárka Gurney
Mobile: +420 735 753 432
Mgr. Oksana Šafrová
Mobile: +420 735 756 487
Account number: 219880559/0600
Prostějov - office and classrooms
Rejskova 19
796 01 Prostějov
Branch Manager:
Bc. Karolína Šídlová
Mobile: +420 777 831 132
Learning coordinator:
Alexandra Ward Komínková
Mobile: +420 737 342 215
Account number: 200417038/0600
Přerov - office and classrooms
Kosmákova 17
750 02 Přerov
Branch Manager:
Bc. Lenka Dušánková
Mobile: +420 737 549 466
Learning coordinator:
Mgr. Olga Kudýnová
Mobile: +420 777 231 134
Account number: 200417038/0600
Ostrava - office and classrooms
Prokešovo nám. 634/5
702 00 Ostrava
Branch Manager:
Bc. Stanislav Talla, DiS.
Mobile: +420 731 890 998
Learning coordinator:
Karin Halatová
Mobile: +420 725 759 845
Account number: 200417038/0600
Šumperk - office and classrooms
Branch Manager:
Mgr. Lukáš Horníček
Account number: 200417038/0600
Teplice - office and classrooms
Branch Manager:
Mgr. Lada Homolová
Learning coordinator:
Šárka Dobiášová
Account number: 200417038/0600
Zlín - office and classrooms
Branch Manager:
MgA. Kateřina Kubáčková
Account number: 200417038/0600