Jane Simpson

Jane Simpson

I can’t even remember how long I’ve worked for the school. I started back in the 90s and didn’t leave because no other school has so many books to use. I also stayed because I love the students – fresh victims all the time. 🙂 

I teach English because someone has to fight against going to “nature” and being “on the cottage.” When my students do their homework, it is very fulfilling. Nah. Seriously, when my students are able to speak more fluently and with more confidence, I feel so much happier. It makes me feel like I have been useful to them.

I’m a cat person. I had a lovely rescue for 18 years whose name was Sovinka Hawkwind Zidane Personal-Trainer Simpson-Ostra. She was a sweetheart. I got myself a rescue for Christmas, her name is Ronja Pepper Baby but I call her Lil Pep Pep to her face. She is from psoz.cz.

My hobbies are books, film and television (science fiction, mainly, especially Star Trek) and cooking (vegetarian and vegan). 

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